People wouldn't believe you were the big 5-0. You are totally nothing like those old 50-year-olds. For starters, they're just old and your just not! Happy B50th birthday!
Take a stroll down memory lane for your birthday. Then, think about all that you still have to do in your life. 50 is right in the middle of amazing! Celebrate life!
No's all there....a little flatter, a little lower, a little saggier...but, you betcha, it's there! Happy 50th Birthday!
Congratulations on turning 50! Condolences on Congress deciding that you won't be getting any long term anything! Happy Birthday!
50 is looking like way-less-than-50 on you. You should feel great about that! Happy Birthday!
Like a new car, 50 definitely comes with sticker shock. Once that's over, it's a smooth ride from then on out!
The world is full of vibrant, quick, and lively 50-year-olds...and then there are those other 50-year-olds that are more like you.
Now that you are 50, don't be surprised if those Senior Citizen b-ball leagues try to track you down. Hey, you still got it! Happy Birthday, Sport!
Hey, you're 50! It's totally time to get a clue. Of course, they don't cost a penny like back in the olden days, though! Happy 50th Birthday!
There is so much that I see when I look into your eyes...sleep, however, is written all over them. Go get a nap! Happy 50th Birthday!
You shouldn't consider 50 way past your 30s. That could make you feel old. Consider 50 as slightly under 60 and only half-way to 100! Feel better?!
My hope is for your 50th birthday to hallmarked by perfect presents and everything your heart desires...and not by a big, huge, "Big 5-0" banner hanging over your front door. Happy birthday!
You're a fabulous fifty year old that should be honored for all of your past successes and wished wonderful things for an even more outstanding tomorrow! Happy Birthday!
Shouting like a lunatic when you think you've won at Bingo is acceptable. But, one fraudulent move and they'll boot your 50-year-old but right out of there! Happy Birthday
Most 50-year-olds experience many different life phenomenas like fine lines and a few white strands. Most can handle that. But, it's those other things, bagging, sagging, and blinding that doesn't usually set well with them. Aren't you happy you're not in that "other" group!?! Happy Birthday!!
A birthday riddle for a fun 50-year-old: What's aged, vibrant, and full bodied? You are! You were almost right...Wine was the second answer! Happy Birthday!!
When you turn 50, you may find that you question things a lot. For example, "Where in the world did I park my car?", "What did I come in this store to buy?", "Why don't I get the senior citizens discount yet?
You will be happy to know that the new 50 is more like the old 30. HA! If you believed that...then, you have a lot more to be concerned about than just turning 50! Happy 50th Birthday!
50-year-old stray cats: Got any plans to go on the prowl? Are you kidding? The way my 50-year-old tail feels? The only thing I'm catching tonight is sleep! Happy Birthday!
Hold on to your horses! It's here!! Happy 50th Birthday!!
At 50, you're mature, confident, accomplished, and marvelous. It may have taken 50 years for you to become who you are...but I have to say, I'm glad you did! Happy Birthday!
Use this happy birthday to reflect on all that you've done in your life and to consider all that you still desire to do. Then, be sure to look at your reflection so that you can be confident that you aren't leaving out of the house in just your underwear!
It's ok. No need to stress out and get yourself all sweaty worrying about the big 5-0. Just keep your cool. Who in the world would want to be around an old sweaty person?
You're not a kid anymore and you're full of experience. 50 is a great time to let everybody know it!