May 30 have in tow all the wonderful things that have made you who you are and all of the wonderful possibilities for who you could become!
When you turn 30, you're supposed to be ready to...have the best night you've ever had in 30 years!
Getting over the whole "30 thing" is super easy...once you realize you're quickly approaching 40!
Just in case you hadn't realized. I'm so happy that you're 30...of course, I'll never be as old as you...ever!!
Kids always think that 30 is ancient and just so old sounding...Don't you wish those whipper-snappers were wrong?!!? Happy Birthday!
You're 30! That's not such a bad number! Happy Birthday!
You've done our planet well for 30 years! Just by being you, you've added certain brightness to it!
On your 30th birthday...20s are over and 30 describes you, it's true. But for every 30 that's sad 20s over, is a 40 year old who wish they were you! Happy Birthday!
It could be worse. This card could say, "Happy 50th Birthday" and have your name on it. Be glad that you're only the big 3-0. Keeping it in perspective can make your birthday even happier!!!
Make 30 a better year because, quite simply, you have to believe that 30-year-olds do everything better. They laugh better. They dream better. They love better. See...30 has its perks! Happy Birthday!
To someone that has a figure like a teen, a face like an angel, and an age like a 30-year-old. Everything can't be perfect! Happy Birthday!
You're the new 30, not the old 30 like our parents were. It's not the same!! Happy Birthday!
30 will be good to you because 30 is fun, 30 is wild, 30 will make you laugh and smile, 30 is cool, and 30 pops, but mostly 30's great because 30 ROCKS!
Boo hoo...sob sob...just hear about your 20's went away...never to return. Wah! Wah!! Happy 30th Birthday!
Place card in hand. Turn it to the left two times. Turn it to the right two times. Now, smile really big. You make turning 30 look so easy and full of happiness! Happy Birthday!
Thirty and flirty...that's a killer combination! Let's celebrate. Happy Birthday!
Some people will always get carded no matter how old they look. Just like this! Happy 30 Birthday!
Hope your 30th birthday rocks! Happy Birthday!
No longer 20 and far from a teen, and you wreak maturity. No young person will ever think you're like them again! Happy 30th Birthday!